Terms & Conditions

Rights of labor and client

The client is obliged to deal with the labor in a manner that is not inconsistent with the provisions of the Islamic Sharia and in accordance with the Regulations of Domestic Labor or anyone in a similar work. The client is obliged to receive the worker according to the scheduled date and period of the visit. The client shall be bound by the specific visiting hours and shall not reserve the labor after the visiting time has expired. A labor of Tamkeen is committed to preserving the privacy and confidentiality of the client's information. The worker is committed to doing the work related to home affairs such as cleaning, washing, arranging the house. It is not considered obliged to wash the courtyard of the house (or roof), cooking, car wash, ironing clothes, hand washing clothes or cleaning high places such as chandeliers, curtains...

Postponement and adjustment of visit date

Single visit contracts: The customer has no right to postpone single visits and is considered effective and consumable and does not recover their value. Monthly contracts: If the client wants to postpone the visit in less than 24 hours or cancel it before 24 hours, the visit is considered executed and consumed and the customer is not entitled to refund. Monthly package contracts, the client has the right to postpone the paid visit to a maximum of 24 hours before it is due date (Once for a 4 visits package), (twice for 8 visits package), (3 times for 12 visits package), (4 times for 16 visits package), (5 times for 20 visits package), (6 times for 24 visits package). The customer is not entitled to request a postponement of a previously postponed visit. The client has the right to expedite or postpone the visit if the service is available through the application or by calling the call center on 920000199. The client is entitled to postpone the visit (Monthly Contracts) in accordance with the following: The application shall be submitted prior to the commencement of the contract by the period specified in the terms and conditions. The visit should be postponed for a maximum of 30 days from the end of the contract. The client has the right to postpone the visit so that two visits are on the same day (scheduling two visits in one day). The client does not have the right to postpone any free or compensatory visits. Any requests for postponement sent through social media channels or through the notice of the bus supervisor and/or driver will be deemed unacceptable and will not be introduced and communication must be exclusively through the call center (920000199) or through the Tamkeen app. In monthly contracts only, the client is entitled to reschedule the contract, on condition that such an application is made 24 hours before the date of commencement of the contract. No surcharge is charged when the request for rescheduling the contract is first filed, and for any extension an additional fee is to be determined by the company. If the company is unable for whatever reason to carry out the visit, the client is compensated for an alternative visit and the date is determined according to the company's possibility. If the client requests a change of worker, the request will be implemented from the next visit. And if the client did not meet the labor to be changed, the visit is considered consumed. The change of labor takes place from scheduled and remaining visits. In the case of a labor who is ill or refusing to work, compensation shall be awarded by a substitute labor for the same period of work, depending on the company's possibilities. If the labor is ill, injured or refused to work, the client is entitled to request a change of labor within the first hour of work on the condition to prove this, and the company agrees to the action.

Change of Period and Nationality

The client is entitled to request a change in the contract period with additional charges (from morning to evening or vice versa). The client is entitled to request that the contract period be changed to a maximum extent 24 hours before the date of commencement of the contract. A contract period change is available for monthly contracts only. The client is entitled to request a change in the nationality of the contracted labor with additional fees. The client is entitled to request a change in the nationality of the contract labor to a maximum extent 24 hours prior to the date of commencement of the contract. Change of nationality of the contracting is available for monthly contracts only.

Change Address

The client is entitled to request a change in the previous agreed address only for monthly contracts. The client is entitled to request a change of address in the contract according to: For free, in the event of submitting the request at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the contract (first visit). With additional fees, if the request is submitted again (for the 2nd time) and at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the contract (first visit).

Dedication of the visit

The client is entitled to give a visit to another party provided he is in an area covered by the company. Dedication of the visit is available for monthly contracts only. (1 visit per 4 visits). The client is entitled to dedicate visit maximum 24 hours prior to the visit. The receiving Party shall have the right to request that the visit be postponed for a maximum of 30 days from the date of the initial visit. The customer's terms and conditions shall be applied to the party to whom he or she has been assigned, in the absence of a specific provision for the party to whom he or she has been assigned.

Duration of the visit

This service is intended for families. If a contract is created, then it is found that there is no woman in the home. The contract is null and void. Visits are considered in force and consumed. This service is not available for enterprises, institutions, women shopping centers, educational establishments or service centers in all forms of activity and service, but it is only provided for households. In the event that the client does not receive the labor on arrival at home within 5 minutes of the worker's arrival, the visit shall be considered effective and shall not be compensated. The housewife must be at home for the entire period of service, and the labor may not be left alone at home. If so, the labor will be withdrawn, and the visit will be considered as done. The labor shall be under the responsibility of the client during the period of the. The client shall have the obligation to hand it over to the company and not to get her out of the house for any reason before the arrival of the responsible to receive her at the end of the visit. In the event of any emergency, abuse or violation by the worker, the client must report directly to the company through (920000199), the regular procedures in force in the Kingdom will be followed, and the labor shall remain liable for that. If the client identifies or sends an incorrect house location (created a wrong address, booked in the wrong location), and the service is delivered to that address, the visit will be considered complete and expendable. Also, if the client sends the home location outside the spatial and temporal network coverage, either intentionally or accidentally, the contract will be cancelled, and the client is not entitled to refund any sums of money. The labor is only handed over to the housewife and must sign a receipt form for each visit. In the event that the labor on the contract is not available for whatever reason, the company is obliged to provide a labor of the same or other nationality with prior consent of the client before the labor is delivered. The client may request the same labor and she'd be provided if available, but the company is not obliged to do so. If the client refuses to receive the labor on the grounds that she is different, the visit shall be considered effective and complete and shall not be compensated.

Delivery and receipt of the worker

This service is intended for families. If a contract is created, then it is found that there is no woman in the home. The contract is null and void. Visits are considered in force and consumed. This service is not available for enterprises, institutions, women shopping centers, educational establishments or service centers in all forms of activity and service, but it is only provided for households. In the event that the client does not receive the labor on arrival at home within 5 minutes of the worker's arrival, the visit shall be considered effective and shall not be compensated. The housewife must be at home for the entire period of service, and the labor may not be left alone at home. If so, the labor will be withdrawn, and the visit will be considered as done. The labor shall be under the responsibility of the client during the period of the. The client shall have the obligation to hand it over to the company and not to get her out of the house for any reason before the arrival of the responsible to receive her at the end of the visit. In the event of any emergency, abuse or violation by the worker, the client must report directly to the company through (920000199), the regular procedures in force in the Kingdom will be followed, and the labor shall remain liable for that. If the client identifies or sends an incorrect house location (created a wrong address, booked in the wrong location), and the service is delivered to that address, the visit will be considered complete and expendable. Also, if the client sends the home location outside the spatial and temporal network coverage, either intentionally or accidentally, the contract will be cancelled, and the client is not entitled to refund any sums of money. The labor is only handed over to the housewife and must sign a receipt form for each visit. In the event that the labor on the contract is not available for whatever reason, the company is obliged to provide a labor of the same or other nationality with prior consent of the client before the labor is delivered. The client may request the same labor and she'd be provided if available, but the company is not obliged to do so. If the client refuses to receive the labor on the grounds that she is different, the visit shall be considered effective and complete and shall not be compensated.

Client's Property

It is the client's responsibility to preserve his property and valuables by keeping them or by being with the labor and directing her properly. In case of loss or destruction of a client's property, a complaint must be filed within 24 hours of the conclusion of the visit. (By contacting the company on 920000199, the company bears no liability, and the case will be examined in accordance with the statutory measures in force in the Kingdom, and the labor remains totally liable. No in-kind or material gifts must be given to the labor for any reason whatsoever.

Cancellation of contract

This service is for homes only. Any contract for any location that is not considered residential or in its judgment will be automatically declared invalid with cancellation fines. Single visit contracts can't be cancelling, or their value can't be refunded, nor may they be deferred from the agreed date. Monthly packages contracts: The client has the right to cancel the contract before or after the service begins. The value of the consumed visits is calculated in addition to a cancellation fee of SAR 200. The remaining amount is to be a refund to the client. In the event that the client concluded a package contract including compensatory and/or free visits and requests to cancel the contract, he or she is not entitled to claim free visits, which are considered to be cancelled pursuant to the contract, on the basis of the request for cancellation submitted by him or her. The client is not entitled to transfer working hours to another party or to employ the labor with third parties. If proven, the company has the right to cancel the client's contract without returning any sums of money. In the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions of this contract, assault or harassment of the worker, the company may cancel the contract without reference to the client. The client shall not be entitled to claim any sums of money and the company shall retain the right to sue him before the competent authorities in Saudi Arabia. The company may cancel and terminate the contract for any reason whatsoever and return the payments without settling any fines on the client after deducting the value of the consumed visits.